Mister Thuribe Tremblay

Mister Thuribe Tremblay (ca. 1880-1946) Ten-year-old Thuribe Tremblay is the first child admitted to the Hôtel-Dieu de Nicolet orphanage in 1889 and will regularly spend his holidays at the Métairie Saint-Joseph. While completing his classical education at the Nicolet Seminary, he is hired by the farm in 1900. The first years of work are difficult: […]

Mister Pierre Lampron

Mister Pierre Lampron Originally hired in 1962 as a farm hand at the Métairie Saint-Joseph, Mr. Lampron continues after its sale in 1966 as a handyman for the Grey Nuns of Nicolet an additional forty-five years! Mister Pierre Lampron posing in the dairy, 1964. Grey Nuns of Montréal’s Archives, Métairie Saint-Joseph (Nicolet)’s Fonds, L054-I-Album 1 […]

Métairie Saint-Joseph, In the Fields

In the Fields Workers in the field, 1939. Photography: author unknown. Grey Nuns of Montréal’s Archives, Métairie Saint-Joseph (Nicolet) Fonds, L054-I- Album 1-page 14B. 1-Jean-Louis Genest, 2-Louis-Georges Dufresne, 3-Laurent Lemire, 4-Almanzar Lamothe, 5-Roland Dufresne, 6-Wilfrid Gélinas Mister Bourgeois, employee working in the field, 1940. Photography: author unknown. Grey Nuns of Montréal’s Archives, Métairie Saint-Joseph (Nicolet)’s […]

Saint-Charles Farm, Animals, Women and Men

Animals… An impressive number of livestock is raised on the farm. In 1946, there are 150 Holstein cows including 90 dairy cows, 300 Yorkshire pigs, 3,000 chickens, 1800 hens and 60 draft horses. Sister feeding hens, 1945. Photography: author unknown. Grey Nuns of Montréal’s Archives, Saint-Charles Farm (Montréal, Côte-de-Liesse)’s Fonds, L071-F Hen, undated. Photography: author […]