Credits and Acknowledgments
This exhibition was made possible thanks to the financial support of the Grey Nuns of Montréal and Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, as part of the Programme d’Aide au virage numérique.
We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Grey Nuns of Montréal in allowing their documents and artifacts to be included in this virtual exhibition.
Finally, a special thank you to Mister Pierre Lampron and all the Grey Nuns of Montréal who participated in the testimonial gathering sessions organized in the spring of 2024, at the residences of Square Angus (Montréal) and Nicolet.
Project team
Project management:
• Alcée Penet
Website development:
• Jacynthe Cloutier
Concept, storyboard and content:
• Alcée Penet
• Mylène Laurendeau
Research and writing:
• Alcée Penet
• Mylène Laurendeau
• Alcée Penet
• Jacynthe Cloutier
• Sister Faye Wylie, s.g.m.
• Brigitte Campeau
• François Nadeau
Editing and proofreading:
• Sister Henriette Husereau, s.g.m.
• Sister Thérèse Desfossés, s.g.m.
• Carole Farmer
• Brigitte Campeau
• François Nadeau
The archives from the Grey Nuns of Montréal’s Archives and the Archives of the city of Montréal that were used in this exhibition are made available under the terms of the Creative Commons License. Attribution – Noncommercial – Share Alike 2.5 Canada.
The archives of Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec are in the Public Domain.
To contact us