Métairie Saint-Joseph, A Prosperous and Model Farm

A Prosperous and Model Farm From its beginning, the farm provides food and milk to the Hôtel-Dieu of Nicolet and the Christ-Roi Orphanage. In 1918 there are 318 residents including Nuns, orphans, children, elderly, and lay employees at the Hôtel-Dieu itself; this increases rapidly to nearly 373 residents at the Hôtel-Dieu in 1940 and nearly […]
Motherhouse, Eating

Eating The various residents of the Motherhouse eat their meals in different refectories or dining rooms, while the Nuns eat in the community refectory. Until the 1960s meals are eaten in silence while a Sister reads aloud from scripture, newspapers and other approved books. Meals are served by Nuns assigned to this task, who also […]
Motherhouse, Cooking

Cooking The Nuns, assisted by lay kitchen staff, prepare more than 2000 meals daily. Industrial-sized kitchens are set up on the ground-floor of each wing. Smaller kitchens next to the refectories are used to reheat dishes. Various industrial machines were added over the years to assist in preparing meals: steam cauldrons, roasters, mixers, percolators, freezers, […]
Motherhouse, Food Preservation

Food Preservation A summer pavilion is built behind the chapel in 1926, a covered area serving as a place of recreation and reading for novices. In good weather the entire community occasionally gathered there for its meals. In preparation for the winter season, postulants, novices and professed Nuns gathered to preserve vegetables and fruits freshly […]
Saint-Charles Farm, A Prosperous Farm for Almost 50 Years

Saint-Charles Farm, Montréal (Côte-de-Liesse) A Prosperous Farm for Almost 50 Years With part of the proceeds from the sale of land at Pointe Saint-Charles, in 1907 the Grey Nuns acquire a parcel of agricultural land in the Côte-de-Liesse municipality. Subsequent acquisitions increase the property to a total of 575 acres, aptly named the Saint-Charles Farm […]
Farm and Garden of the Saint-Joseph Hospital

Farm and Garden of the Saint-Joseph Hospital, La Tuque In 1912, the Sisters of Charity of the Hôtel-Dieu of Nicolet assume responsibility for the Saint-Joseph Hospital in the village of La Tuque, with an orphanage to accommodate around 50 children added in 1918. Saint-Joseph Hospital and Sacred Heart Orphanage, undated. Photography: author unknown. Grey Nuns […]
Farm and Convent of the Hospice Youville

Farm and Convent of the Hospice Youville, Saint-Benoît In 1859, the Grey Nuns establish a hospice for the needy & infirm as well as a girls’ school in the village of Saint-Benoît, county of Deux-Montagnes. Map of Saint-Benoit Farm/Nelson Cossette (agronomist), undated. Grey Nuns of Montréal’s Archives, Convent and Hospice Youville (Saint-Benoît)’s Fonds, L011-K-03 Youville […]
Farm of the Hospice Lajemmerais

Farm of the Hospice Lajemmerais, Varennes Founded in 1859, the Hospice Lajemmerais in Varennes houses an orphanage, a wing where the elderly reside, a section for adult boarders and also a kindergarten. The early years are very difficult with the Nuns living in conditions described in the mission chronicles as heroic. The most severe poverty […]
Châteauguay, Acquisition and Beginning

Châteauguay By its longevity, the Châteauguay farm holds a unique place in the history of the Grey Nuns. For over 200 years it helped to supply food for the Congregation and its works, as well as providing a place of gathering and rest for the Nuns, boarders and students of their institutions. Acquisition and Beginning […]