Métairie Saint-Joseph, A Dairy Farm

A Dairy Farm Employees at the stable, 1931. Photography: author unknown. Grey Nuns of Montréal’s Archives, Métairie Saint-Joseph (Nicolet)’s Fonds, L054-I-Album 1-page 14. From left to right: Misters Thuribe Tremblay, Martial Chauvette, W. Richard, Sévère Paquin, Adrien Chauvette (son of Mister Martial) and Charles-Edouard Verville Sister Claire Lauzier, s.g.m., 1940. Photography: author unknown. Grey Nuns […]

Farm of the Hospice Lajemmerais

Farm of the Hospice Lajemmerais, Varennes Founded in 1859, the Hospice Lajemmerais in Varennes houses an orphanage, a wing where the elderly reside, a section for adult boarders and also a kindergarten. The early years are very difficult with the Nuns living in conditions described in the mission chronicles as heroic. The most severe poverty […]