Sister Marguerite Hudon

Sister Marguerite Hudon, s.g.m. (1918-1974) Marguerite Hudon is born on November 1st, 1918 into a large family in Rivière-Ouelle, county of Kamouraska. After entering the Grey Nun novitiate in 1940, she works for seven years as a cook at the Motherhouse and the Saint-Charles Farm. Assigned to the Châteauguay farm in 1949, she dedicates herself […]
Châteauguay, The Apiary

The Apiary An apiary is installed near the chapel and though its origins are unknown it appears to be quite old. The bees were used to pollinize the orchard’s trees and to provide honey for the Nuns and the staff of the manor. In 1920, the apiary was still of modest size, consisting of only […]